discover Your Genetic Blueprint for Optimal Health & Wellness

Introducing Gx Wellness Reports

Are you tired of sifting through countless diets and fitness plans that just don't work for your body?

Imagine a solution that doesn't guess but knows—knows the nutrition that fuels your body best, the exercises that bring out your potential, and the lifestyle choices that lead to lasting wellness.

Welcome to Gx Wellness Reports, where the power of your DNA guides you toward a healthier and more vibrant you.


Your DNA's Personalized Path to Fit & Vibrant Living

the new tool of choice

Genetic testing is the new tool of choice for a more proactive and personalized approach to health and wellness.

It's not just about diagnosing medical conditions. It's about gaining insights from your genes to enhance your lifestyle and wellbeing.

Including how your body processes nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, micro-nutrients, and more.

And how your body responds to specific types of movement: cardiovascular exercise, strength training and resistance, power, endurance, and more.


real SOLUTIONS for Health & Fitness

Get tailored insights across key areas, including weight management, fitness and metabolism, healthy aging, nutrient absorption, and athletic performance.

See for yourself!



Your DNA-Driven Weight Management Solution

Move beyond generic diets to a plan based on your genetic blueprint

The Slim Program provides precise diet and exercise recommendations that align with your unique genotype.

This is not guesswork, fad dieting or one-size-fits-all programming of any kind – these are the only diet and exercise recommendations you will ever need again based on your DNA.

  • Laboratory analysis of your DNA sample (48 genetic markers)
  • Analysis of 16 genetic traits related to weight loss
  • Food recommendations & recipes with macronutrient breakdown & caloric needs
  • Nutrient recommendations, including supplement suggestions
  • Exercise recommendations, including cardio and strength training
  • Supporting scientific research
  • Online interactive portal and printable PDF of your Slim Report


Healthy Aging Informed by Your DNA, Age Smarter Not Harder

Experience a healthier, more youthful you with the Renew Report

You're getting health recommendations based on your genetic profile to keep you looking and feeling your best as you age gracefully.

Recently published research has linked numerous aging signs to genetic predisposition, and many of these indications may be addressed with DNA-based lifestyle changes.

  • Laboratory analysis of your DNA sample (98 genetic markers)
  • Analysis of 28 genetic traits related to healthy aging. Including skin, mental function, organ health, sleep duration, vision, healthy weight and more
  • Food, nutrient, exercise, and lifestyle recommendations
  • Supporting scientific research
  • Online interactive portal and printable PDF of your Renew Report


Discover The Keys To How Your Body Absorbs Nutrients

Your body's interaction with nutrients is unique

Even if you eat a perfectly balanced diet with plenty of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, most of us have some difficulty in absorbing one or more micronutrients at the cellular level.

Understanding your genetic profile for how your body likes to process these key vitamins and minerals is an important step in developing a healthy diet and nutrition program.

  • Laboratory analysis of your DNA sample (42 genetic markers)
  • Analysis of 15 micronutrient tendencies (vitamins and minerals)
  • Recommendations to help you address any potential deficiencies
  • Nutrient recommendations, including supplement suggestions
  • Supporting scientific research
  • Online interactive portal and printable PDF of your Nutrient Report


Boost Athletic Performance Through DNA Insight

Minimize trial and error to gain a competitive edge with the Perform Report

For the athlete who wants to be good or the good athlete who wants to be great, you'll get training, food, nutrients, and physiological recommendations based on your DNA.

You need the best nutrition, workout, and supplement regimens for optimal performance, which can only be determined by understanding your genetic predisposition and links to sports injury risks, VO2 max, and other athletic traits.

  • Laboratory analysis of your DNA sample (100 genetic markers)
  • Analysis of 15 genetic traits related to athletic performance and potential
  • Nutrient recommendations, including supplement suggestions
  • Exercise recommendations, including cardio and strength training
  • Supporting scientific research
  • Online interactive portal and printable PDF of your Perform Report

No More guesswork or experiments

Personalization isn't a luxury—it's the only way to effectively manage your health


Scientific Precision: Is your body resistant to losing weight? How well can you process carbohydrates, fats and proteins? Which vitamins and minerals are best for your DNA? What should you avoid?

Tailored Guidance: Food, nutrient and exercise recommendations perfectly matched to your genetic profile. You don't have to worry about trial and error or guessing what is best.


Long-Term Results: No quick fixes. Gx Wellness Reports are about sustainable lifestyle choices that optimize your health for years to come.


Truly Eye-Opening

The reports are truly eye-opening. I discovered answers to questions I had been searching for and answers to questions I didn't even know to ask. I was getting ready to do the Keto diet with some friends. That would have been a big mistake. Now, I know exactly what diet works best for me, and what to avoid.

Ann L.

Definitely more than what I expected. The recommendations took away the guesswork. I feel empowered to make better choices about the foods and supplements I should be consuming.

I Feel Empowered

Mary T.

I was skeptical, but I wanted to support my wife by ordering a report. Glad I did, because it gave us peace of mind to know each others results. I'm happy and so is my wife!

Peace Of Mind

Kevin A.

About your coach

When I discovered genetic testing for health and fitness programming is now available to everyone, not just professional athletes, I couldn't wait to offer the service to my clients.

Hi, I'm Dee Davis

My goal is to empower Women age 50+ with evidence-based techniques to release menopause weight, enhance hormone health, boost energy, and cultivate healthy eating habits – all without the need for complex diets or extreme workouts.

I struggled with menopause, weight gain, inflammation, constipation, stress, and poor eating habits. But my journey led me to a system for lasting change that required a deeper understanding of my body.

Not only did I shed 20 pounds of menopause weight and replace fat with muscle, but it transformed my health!

At 61, I feel better now than I did at 35!

And when I experienced genetic wellness testing for myself - the "OMG" revelations about your unique body - it took my health and fitness efforts to a new level.

With my background as a corporate research executive and home-business entrepreneur spanning more than 30 years, I've dedicated myself to understanding and sharing the secrets of longevity and vibrant health.

Now, after helping thousands of individuals take control of their health.

I'm thrilled to offer these genetic wellness reports to you, as the next step in our journey to a fit and vibrant life filled with strength, longevity, inner peace, joy, and happiness!



Healthy Body Coach for

Menopause Health, Nutrition & Fitness


How The order Process Works

We've streamlined the process, making it seamless and insightful.

Choose your path:

Place Your Order: Your purchase includes a home testing kit, one GX Wellness Report of your choosing and a free consultation.

Choose Report: Next, you'll select the report that aligns with your wellness goals - whether it's unlocking secrets to weight management, embracing healthy aging, understanding nutrient metabolism, or elevating performance.

Path 1: You're New to DNA Testing


Analyze DNA: Our federally certified laboratory will analyze your data and keep it secure throughout the process.


Get Report: In a span of 3-4 weeks, you’ll receive your comprehensive Gx Wellness Report to download or view inside your private Gx Portal.

Get Support: We’ll schedule an online meeting to review your results so you understand how to use your private Gx portal, and the recommended strategies that will guide your health and wellness path.


If you purchased a 23andMe Health +Ancestry or an Ancestry DNA test in the past, then you're eligible to buy our Gx Wellness Reports at a large discount – and you don’t have to submit another sample for DNA testing! Just upload your existing raw data.

Path 2: You Already Have a DNA Test


Send DNA: Once your order and report selection has been confirmed, we'll send your testing kit. This kit contains everything you need to take a saliva sample at home, and mail it to our lab in the same packaging - a painless process that takes just a few minutes.


Place Your Order: Your order includes one GX Wellness Report of your choosing and a free consultation.

Choose Report: Next, you'll select the report that aligns with your wellness goals - whether it's unlocking secrets to weight management, embracing healthy aging, understanding nutrient metabolism, or elevating performance.


Secure Upload: Once your order and report selection has been confirmed, we'll provide instructions on how to safely upload your existing raw genetic data from 23andMe Health+Ancestry or AncestryDNA to our secure portal.


Get Report: We'll generate your report and recommendations. In just a few days (not weeks) you’ll receive your comprehensive Gx Wellness Report to download or view inside your private Gx Portal.

Get Support: We’ll schedule an online meeting to review your results so you understand how to use your private Gx portal, and the recommended strategies that will guide your health and wellness path.


The Slim report changed my perspective. I'm 57, and all these years I avoided weight training because of my own misconceptions. Only to find out now, that my DNA is enhanced for strength training. My body doesn't respond as much to high intensity exercises. Total game changer.

Rochelle R.

total game changer

Start Your personalized journey today

Don't wait another day.

Order your Gx Wellness Report now and take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant you.

Choose your path!

PATH 1: Get The Kit,
Report & Consultation For $399
PATH 2: Use My Existing Data,
Report & Consultation For $199

frequently asked questions

What exactly is genetic wellness testing, and will I understand the results?

Genetic wellness testing involves analyzing specific genes related to your well-being. We provide a convenient home DNA testing kit where you collect cells from your mouth using a cotton swab. It's a quick and easy process that only takes a minute to collect enough DNA for analysis.

With Gx Wellness Reports, you get action oriented recommendations for nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle choices that match your genetic profile. You don’t need a science degree to understand. We break down complex information so it is clear and concise.

After your personalized report is ready, we’ll review your results together to confirm that you’re confident in your path toward wellness. And you’ll have access to a private online portal to review your results 24/7.

Absolutely. Your genetic data is stored securely and handled with care. Our federally certified laboratory follows strict privacy standards to protect your information.

Your DNA sample is destroyed within 45 days after analysis, and unlike other laboratories, YOUR DATA IS NOT SOLD for commercial gain.

So, you can order your reports with confidence, knowing that your privacy is a top priority.

Is my genetic data secure?

We understand your frustration. Your Gx Wellness Report is based on your unique DNA. It's not a generic recommendation designed for the average person, or guesswork.

This precision means you're not experimenting. You're making choices aligned with what your body needs, which is more likely to lead to long-term and sustainable results, unlike the commercial methods you tried in the past.

I've tried numerous diets and workouts before. How are the Gx Wellness Reports any different?

No, we don't predict future health conditions, diagnose them, or provide medical advice. Our laboratory analyzes around 300 genetic markers related to how your body handles food, nutrients, exercise, and aging.

We use this information to provide insights on how your genes influence your response to nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle choices. Which includes the predisposition (lower or higher likelihood) to certain health conditions.

Note that having certain genetic traits associated with health conditions doesn't guarantee you'll develop them. Lifestyle choices and environmental factors also play a significant role.

Wellness programs that consider your unique DNA eliminate guesswork, making it more effective to manage your health and well-being.

Can genetic wellness testing predict my future health conditions?

Nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle choices are intertwined with healthy aging before, during, and after menopause. Your journey is personal, and so are Gx Wellness Reports.

The personalized strategies you're getting include a tailored diet and exercise plan for weight management (the Slim Program) and help with adjusting nutritional needs (All Reports) that can impact hormone shifts and metabolic changes that occur with menopause and aging.

The Renew Report provides crucial insights for healthy aging from the inside out, including organ health, sleep, mental function, vision, and more.

Our reports also highlight your genetic likelihood for inflammation and diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers, which are more common as you age.

When you can have this level of knowledge (and the research that backs it up), you're empowered to make proactive lifestyle adjustments leveraging your DNA to reduce health risks and enhance your longevity.

How can the Gx Wellness Reports help someone over 40 with menopause and healthy aging?

How can the Gx Wellness Reports improve my exercise and fitness efforts?

Whether you’re exploring a more active lifestyle or you are a seasoned athlete, we've got you covered.

The Slim Program supports healthy weight management and fitness with a sample diet plan, recipes, and exercise plan customized to your genetic makeup.

The Perform Report provides insights and recommendations to boost your athletic performance, including support for mental and physical foundations, training response, fuel utilization, recovery and injury risk.

Can I share my report with my doctor, coach, or trainer?

Sharing with your healthcare provider, coach, or trainer is a great idea! You'll be providing them with crucial information to support your specific needs and goals. Which means a more collaborative, more effective, and tailored approach to your overall wellness.

While incredibly valuable for personal wellness, most insurance plans won't cover the cost of genetic testing as a medical necessity.

However, your health savings plan (HSA) or flexible spending account (FSA) may allow for the allocation of funds toward health-related expenses, including genetic wellness reports. If your physician recommends you utilize a weight management program, you can use your HSA or FSA funds to pay for the Slim Program.

We recommend consulting your insurance or account administrator to understand your eligibility and the required steps for reimbursement.

Are the reports covered by my insurance plan?

Getting started is easy! Simply choose the path that works best for you.

Path 1: If you're new to DNA Testing. We'll send you a DNA home testing kit and a postage-paid return envelope to mail your sample to our secure lab. In 3 to 4 weeks, you'll receive your comprehensive Gx Wellness Report, with personalized recommendations and access to our private online portal.

Path 2: If you already have DNA data from 23andME Health+Ancestry or AncestryDNA. We’ll provide instructions on how to upload your data to our secure portal. No additional samples are needed, and you’ll receive your report within a matter of days (not weeks)!

How can I get started with Gx Wellness Reports?

Can I see an example of the report?

When you request our Free Guides to Genetic Wellness Reports, you'll gain access to report examples and other information.

We offer the flexibility to order more than one Gx Wellness Report, so you can explore multiple aspects of your wellness journey. You can add a second report at a significantly discounted rate on the checkout page!

Can I order more than one report?

Certainly! Schedule an Exploratory Call and we'll guide you through the options to identify the program that works best for your goals.

I'm still not sure which report is best for me. Can I speak with someone before I buy?

Choose Your Path!
Remove The Guesswork And
Order Your Report Today
Click Here To Get Started

Your purchase includes a 60-minute consultation to guarantee your comprehension and utilization of the information provided.

If you are not fully satisfied with your purchase. We'll offer an additional consultation free of charge to ensure your complete satisfaction with the service.


Order Your Gx Wellness Report NOW

Don't wait another day.

Take the next step towards a healthier, more vibrant you.

Choose your path!

PATH 2: Use My Existing Data,
Report & Consultation For $199
PATH 1: Get The Kit,
Report & Consultation For $399


Achieving optimal health and fitness is not an exact science and the combination of exercise and input to achieve desired results may vary from individual to individual. Following lifestyle, fitness, nutrition and general health tips or programs contained on this website/blog does not guarantee that you will achieve the desired results or that you will look like images that might be posted on this website/blog.

Please consult your doctor before beginning any exercise or diet program.

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